Testing Equipment

BMR has many different machines for testing your product to ensure the quality is up to your expectations.

TEC-NAR - For reading velocity and temperature of particles coming out of a HVOF unit
TEC-NAR - For reading velocity and temperature of particles coming out of a HVOF unit
Instrument for checking voltage insulation values of coatings
Instrument for checking voltage insulation values of coatings
Finishing tables to prepare samples for analysis. Laser-clad, PTA coatings, welded overlays, and thermal spray coatings.
Finishing tables to prepare samples for analysis. Laser-clad, PTA coatings, welded overlays, and thermal spray coatings.
Profilometer for testing fine surface roughness - 0-125 RA
Profilometer for testing fine surface roughness - 0-125 RA
Laser Roughness Tester
Laser Roughness Tester
Textures we can verify with our Laser Roughness Tester
Textures we can verify with our Laser Roughness Tester
(From left to right) Olympus Metallograph, Olympus Microscope, Macro Hardness Tester
(From left to right) Olympus Metallograph, Olympus Microscope, Macro Hardness Tester
Portable Hardness Tester
Portable Hardness Tester
Micro Hardness Tester
Micro Hardness Tester