Here are a few of the services you can access!

  • Repair, Rebuild, Modify

  • Thermal-spraying technologies

  • Laser materials processing

Broken and worn components create quality problems for your facility and can even shut down your entire production operation. The resulting loss of time and money – not to mention customer good will – hurt your company’s reputation and your profitability. In today’s ultra-competitive business environment and uncertain economic climate, every dollar you can keep is critical to your survival.

When equipment failure strikes your production operations, you don’t need to wait for an OEM part to be delivered and you don’t need to worry about how to get your components repaired. You can do what hundreds of Midwest and Atlantic Coast companies have done for nearly 40 years: simply call on the expertise and deep experience of BMR Group.

Most times your worn or broken part can be repaired back to OEM specs, even if it is larger than what typical machine shops can handle. But repairing broken parts is only the beginning of what BMR Group can do to help your bottom line. To mitigate the impact of wear problems on your components, we can toughen up the wear surfaces by using multiple technologies—from thermal-spraying to laser processing. And if you have a need for welding or a fabricated component, you’re covered with BMR Group.

No matter what industry you’re in or where you’re located, you can get the help you need to keep your production lines running efficiently.

Just call BMR Group at 260-635-2195 or contact us to discover how easy it is to improve your production efficiency and your bottom line.

That’s what we do–it’s all we do!